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Centedge provides cutting edge WebRTC training to corporate and individuals with all the latest updates incorporated in the WebRTC Apis till date  along with signalling servers, ICE servers, Media Servers and other related things needed to be known by professionals to build quality WebRTC services. We provide in depth knowledge in all aspects of WebRTC which includes but not limited to webrtc apis for frontend, signalling servers as backend, media servers(SFU / MCU) for media processing so that our students can build all kind of video conferencing and / or video streaming applications even from scratch. Do let us know for all kind of your WebRTC training requirements. We will be happy to train you.


The WebRTC standard provides APIs for accessing cameras and microphones connected to the computer or smartphone. These devices are commonly referred to as Media Devices and can be accessed with JavaScript through the navigator.mediaDevices object, which implements the MediaDevices interface. From this object we can enumerate all connected devices, listen for device changes (when a device is connected or disconnected), and open a device to retrieve a Media Stream.

VR Headset


WebRTC is a fully peer-to-peer technology for the real-time exchange of audio, video, and data, with one central caveat. A form of discovery and media format negotiation must take place, in order for two devices on different networks to locate one another. This process is called signaling and involves both devices connecting to a third, mutually agreed-upon server. Through this third server, the two devices can locate one another, and exchange negotiation messages. In simple terms, signalling server can be understood as the controlling mechanism to decide who will connect to whom for how long for what purpose.

Online Workshop


WebRTC apps use the ICE framework to overcome the complexities of real-world networking. To enable this to happen, your application must pass ICE server URLs to RTCPeerConnection, as described below.

ICE tries to find the best path to connect peers. It tries all possibilities in parallel and chooses the most efficient option that works. ICE first tries to make a connection using the host address obtained from a device's operating system and network card; if that fails (which it will for devices behind NATs) ICE obtains an external address using a STUN server, and if that fails, traffic is routed via a TURN relay server.

In other words:

  • A STUN server is used to get an external network address.

  • TURN servers are used to relay traffic if direct (peer to peer) connection fails.

Video Conference


WebRTC media servers are used when the one needs advance audio / video features like recording, media processing on fly like integrating a QR code scanner to a live video stream or integrating a VOIP telephony to an application. Some of the most famous open source media servers out there are 

  • Jitsi

  • Janus

  • Kurento

  • Mediasoup

They all have their own unique strengths and weaknesses for specific use cases and sadly, there is no one size fits all solution.  

Online Learning.
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